Uncuffed ET, Gastric Suction & Feeding Tube Holder
Invented by a Nurse Practitioner, ArcAngel is a secure, adjustable, multi-functional neonatal and pediatric endotracheal tube holder that eliminates tape and increases ETT/NGT placement accuracy. The ArcAngel cheek pads are gentle, adjustable and easy to clean.
Request DemonstrationOne Clinician, One Hand — Seconds for Adjustments
Key Features & Benefits.
- Securely holds both endotracheal and gastric suction/feeding tube
- Adjust ET and NG or gastric suction tubes independently of each other
- NG / gastric suction tube can be inserted and secured both orally and nasally
- 0.25cm hash marks on the holder make adjustments safe and precise
- MRI safe – metal free
- Non allergenic – latex free
- Eliminates tape on baby’s face for better visibility
- Decreased risk of skin damage due to tape irritation and repeated cleaning/reapplication
- Cheek pads can be wiped clean and are fully adjustable for custom fit
- Cheek pads are designed to eliminate the need to trim
- The arc is easily removed in emergency situations without need to remove cheek pads
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ArcAngel Twist Lock Technology.

Improved Cheek Pads & Adhesive.
Simplified Cleaning & Fewer Reapplications
Proprietary, long lasting adhesive is safe for premature skin and remains secure regardless of heat and humidity*.
* In clinical trials, adhesive has remained secure for 14 days with 80% humidity
Simple & Safe Emergency Removal/Replacement
The ArcAngel is the only product on the market that can be removed in an emergency without the need to reapply adhesive. Unlike other ETT holders that must be cut or pulled off during an emergency, ArcAngel lifts out of the cheek pads and can be reinserted.
A Perfect Fit for Any Little Warrior.
The ArcAngel is fully adjustable for a custom fit for every baby, every time and is available in five different sizes.

Product Specifications.
See chart below for tube holder size combinations
* 5F inline suction catheter is recommended.
** Will secure 6F & 8F EDI catheters.
*** Same size arc as size 2.
WarriorNP Products used Around the World!

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With over 20 years of first-hand experience, WarriorNP has a vision to equip and empower every NICU and PICU worldwide with innovative patient-first medical devices and products.